On the great western plains of Illinois Rides a man, alone. A sad cowboy By the damnest damn lies were ever contrived He’s hunted and wanted: dead or alive.
From the streets of Laredo to Springfield’s Dome There ain’t noplace nowhere that he can call home So he huddles by campfires and warbles his songs And tries not to think of the ways he’s been wronged.
Now old Sheriff Ellis and all of his pals Assemble their posse at Senate Corral Collecting their feathers and boiling their tar And hangin their rope from the town’s highest bar
A shadow’s come over our Cowboy’s creased face Since mean frontier justice took over this place Cause after his hangin, and he’s in the dust Ain’t no one to stop ‘em from comin at us.
A free bird drinks at Rosebud on Rush And dines like a king at Gibsons place And has enough sense to keep his mouth shut so he can claim the sky.
But a bird that stalks down his federal pen Dreams of flying on Rush Street again Escaping his cage for the wonders outside so he opens his throat to sing.
The caged bird sings with a fearful tweet Of things unknown and done discrete And his tune is heard in the Dirksen halls for the caged bird sings of the guilty
The free bird fears the caged bird’s song Exposing things that he’s done wrong And fears that when it’s over birds may soon be trading places.
But a caged bird cannot feel the rush Inside the cage, his dreams are crushed To escape his cage for the wonders outside, he opens his throat to sing.
The caged bird sings with a fearful tweet Of things unknown and done discrete And his tune is heard in the Dirksen halls for the caged bird sings of the guilty.
My love is like a red, red rose That’s newly sprung in June My love is like [WHO THE BLEEP ARE YOU TALKING TO?] That’s sweetly played [IS THAT YOUR BLEEPING LAWYER?]
As fair as thou, my bonnie lass, So deep in [YOU TELL THAT SONUVABLEEP TO QUIT MAKING A JACKASS OF HIMSELF ON TV] And I will love thee still, my dear Till a’ the [WHAT THE BLEEP ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT]
Till a’ the [NOBODY UNDERSTANDS A BLEEPING WORD YOU SAY ANY MORE] And the rocks melt wi’ the sun And I will love thee still, my dear While [IS THAT ANOTHER BLEEP-BLEEP BLEEPING POEM?]
And fare the weel, my only [BLEEP] And fare the weel a while! And I will come again, [I’M BLEEPING OUTA HERE] Thou’ it were [SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO MY BLEEPING DAD]
State Office for sale! State Office for sale! The highest, most golden State Office for sale! I’m not BLEEPING kidding So who’ll start the bidding? You want a contract? Your funds released? A Senate Seat? Oh, I’ve got ‘em lined up from here to there Lined up to buy my State Office for sale The highest, most golden State Office for sale!
There once was a punk named Fitzgerald Whose name was a railroading herald He filed a complaint Like he's some kind of saint He should be tarred, feathered and barreled.